Large vs. Small: Responsive Sites for Many Screens
When designing for responsive sites there can be many challenges, Diagram covers the top concepts to consider when you start designing your website content for a responsive site.
When designing for responsive sites there can be many challenges, Diagram covers the top concepts to consider when you start designing your website content for a responsive site.
Diagram addresses the challenges of Responsive Design and creating the best possible experience, no matter which browser the viewer is using.
Although on the surface, design may seem like a simple task, there are many factors to consider when creating the best experience possible for users. Read on to find out four common web design myths.
Discovery is often thought of as the first stage of a project, but learning shouldn’t begin and end there. By baking learning into your long-term workflow you can ensure you’re celebrating a site launch, not a site funeral.
In a world where mobile has been hogging all the spot light,
Diagram has taken time to shine some light on the intricacies of designing for
large screens.
There are a vast array of design tools available to web designers
today. WSOL is committed to choosing the appropriate tools in order to
fulfill each company's website design goals. One of the design tools
that we utilize at WSOL is paper prototyping, find out why and when we
think paper prototyping is an essential asset to the design process.
Links and resources mentioned in Dennis Kardys' talk at 2013 Breaking Development conference in San Diego.
Not too long ago, we relied on Photoshop as the primary design software in our industry. Now that Responsive Web Design has introduced the need to get in the browser faster, is Photoshop a capable tool to keep around?
There's been significant buzz around a few next-gen web design apps coming out. What are they and what workflow problems do they aim to solve?
Optimizing a website's accessibility isn't just about Responsive Web Design. Progressive Enhancement and Graceful Degradation are key techniques to include in any design project.